Very Pleased With Your Product

Very Pleased With Your Product

Reading Very Pleased With Your Product 1 minute Next Bullet Performed Flawlessly

"Shot my first game today with your 250 gr muzzleloader bullets. The bullets shot very well at the range and I was looking forward to using them. Today aI was out for the first day of the PA season. Had a very nice doe step out at about 40 yds and she dropped straight down at the shot and never moved. When I skinned her I could see the bullet performed as advertised. Through and through penetration and the petals absolutely devastated the heart and lungs. Overall doesn't look like there will be much meat loss in fact looks like it will be less than I used to get using Hornady pistol bullets. Overall I am very pleased with your product and I recommend them to my hunting friends."

- Nik Pagerly