Cutting Edge Bullets are officially used by the most ELR match champions than any other bullet on the market. If they perform this well at 2 miles, imagine how well they perform at ranges under that.
This year, for the 4th consecutive year, Cutting Edge Bullets' is once again the reigning champion bullet of the King of 2 Miles.
This year was the 6th annual King of 2 Miles match in Raton, New Mexico. Shooters from all over the world gathered at the NRA Whittington Center to put their skills to the test.
The showing this year was fantastic, and the competition was tough. Shooters shot at ranges from 1500-3600yds.

Course of fire:
Day 1 & 2: Target ranges will be approximately 1500 to 2600 yards. Shooters will have 5 minutes to set up and 9 minutes to complete their five target string firing a total of 13 rounds. The procedure is simple, after the cold bore target, which is a single round, the team must hit a target to move to the next. The first 3 rounds fired at each one of the targets (past the CB) is for score, after that, the team is firing only to get a hit in order to advance to the next. So in theory, a team can end up firing 12 rounds at target one. Teams must fire at least 3 rounds at a target and get a hit before moving on. The top scoring teams will advance to the finals on day three. This number has yet to be determined, but is normally one finalist for every five shooters. (i.e. 100 shooters = 20 finalists)
Day 3 (Finals): Target ranges will be approximately 2600 to 3600 yards. The top scoring teams will proceed to the finals. Shooters will have 5 minutes to set up and 10 minutes to complete the three target course of fire. Time allowing, shooters will fire a total of 15 shots. The team must hit the target in order to advance to the next and fire a minimum of 5 shots before proceeding to the next target. Hits after the fifth shot will allow progression to the next target but will award no points.
Ultimately, Lindsey Paul was dubbed this years King of 2 Miles with her outstanding shpwing. All of us at Cutting Edge want to give a big congratulations to Lindsey and her spotter Robert Waggoner on
their incredible showing. Lindsey also received the most hits at the 2 mile target in the history of the match, with a total of 3 hits! Lindsey was using our 400gr Lazer out of her 375CT.
Top 15 placements:

We'd like to take the time to thank some people:
Thank you to all of the shooters using our bullets at this years match. Nine out of the top 10 shooters were using our bullets, and we couldnt be more proud of that fact. Thank you all for your support and for believing in our product.
To Team Cutting Edge Bullets, awesome job this year! You guys had an outstanding showing and we couldn't be more proud to have you on our team.
We'd also like to give a big thank you to the organizers and staff of the event for making this match a success. Without you, none of it would be possible. We know you guys work hard to not only on the day of the match, but all year to organize and prepare for it. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Until next year!
-Cutting Edge Bullets