Company Update

Company Update

Cutting Edge Machining Solutions

A letter from our President, Dan Smitchko:

“We wanted to a moment to update everyone  on the status of our business as the corona virus epidemic continues. 

Governor Wolfe of PA announced a mandatory closure of all non-essential businesses last Wednesday evening. After filing an exception, it was determined that we are able to keep our facility open due to the work that we do for the Department of Defense. We are extremely grateful for this, as we know many other businesses do not have the luxury to keep their doors open right now. 

We ask everyone to keep supporting your local small businesses in any way you can during this time. Small businesses are the backbone of this country, and many of them will feel the long term effects of this pandemic. This will not only effect the businesses, but the hundreds and thousands of employees employed by them. Especially consider supporting all companies manufacturing here in the United States vs. outsourcing overseas by purchasing products made right here in our great country. We have been manufacturing here in the states from our conception back in 2001, so we have seen firsthand the negative impact that occurs with the rise in overseas manufacturing. Now more than ever we need to encourage and support the increase in products made in the USA. Remember that there may be an up front cost savings from buying items made in china, but the long term cost can be devastating.

We will continue to operate as usual for the foreseeable future. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone during this tough time who are impacted physically, emotionally, and economically." 

-Dan Smitchko

President and Founder of Cutting Edge Bullets